Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Who Has Not Been Naked in a Hotel Room? this will be short..but OMG..have you ever been naked in a hotel room?  Raise your hand? did not raise your hand?  Have you never showered before in a scare me..unless, of course you have weird germ-o-phobe issues.  Then you scare me squared... the big news today, because there was NONE..except for horrible crap happening in Philly was Prince Harry getting naked with a minimum of two other peeps in the room.

Of course, I listened to the folks at the Today Show ponder on if they should show this or not, and if it is news, or not..

IT'S NOT NEWS!!!  It's bad judgement by adults with iPhones and probably is a little party where Prince H is comparing his junk to Ryan Lochte..umm, this is what dudes in their 20's do..

They are so out of the league of this this guy..

Really people, you are so wrapped up with a Royal Ginger that this is news..????

Sigh, pour me a Courteney Cox, Cougar Town glass of wine and carry on...

Signing out for today...

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